Cauliflower Bread Sticks Easy Clean Eating Recipe

Thursday, August 27, 2015

To say that i was skeptical about this recipe would be an UNDERSTATEMENT. I have tried cauliflower crusts, breadsticks, and bread recipes before but man they ALWAYS fell short of expectation.

But HOLD THE FREAKIN PHONE. I think i found a recipe that conquers, beats and destroys ALLLLL other clean eating breadstick recipes!!! Eeeee!!!!

AND for all of my 21 Day Fixers, it IS 21DF approved! **Insert squeal here! =)**

Yields 5 Cauli Sticks (for me at least)--> 3 sticks is equal to 1 green container & ½ blue container⇠

⬇⬇⬇Recipe breakdown below ⬇⬇⬇

⭐ 1 small bag of Cauliflower
⭐ 1 large egg
⭐ 2 cloves of minced garlic (or 1 tsp of minced garlic)
⭐ 1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
⭐ ½ Cup of 1% shredded Mozzarella cheese
⭐ ½ TSP of Salt
⭐ ½ TSP of pepper
⭐ 1 TSP Oregano
⭐ 1 TSP Basil

1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2) In small pan sauté olive oil and garlic for 1-2 minutes until it browns. Try not to burn the garlic! It wouldn’t be the first time i’ve burnt garlic on a pan lol Set to the side and save it for the mixings!
3) In a food processor chop cauliflower until it looks like rice. You want it finely chopped but not total mush.

4) Place the cauliflower rice in a cheesecloth (or Bounty paper towel like i did lol) and wring out all excess moisture.
5) Transfer to a large mixing bowl. Combine cauliflower with egg, olive oil, garlic, cheese, and seasonings.

6) Line a bread loaf pan with parchment paper (leaving extra parchment paper so that you can lift the loaf out of the pan) and spray with olive oil. Dump cauliflower mixture into the bread pan and press down evenly. Bake for 25-30.
***ALTERNATIVE--->  you could use a glass baking dish (pyrex) and oil up the sides and cook your bread about 5-7 minutes longer***

7) Like a baking sheet with parchment paper and lightly spray with olive oil. When loaf is finished baking, remove from oven, carefully flip the loaf onto a baking sheet so it is upside down. You can lift it out of the bread pan by the parchment paper if necessary.
8) Bake for 15 more min until loaf is golden brown.
9) Turn oven to broil.
10) Remove loaf from oven, sprinkle worth a little more mozzarella cheese, salt, pepper, oregano and basil. 

I cut the bread here into slices and broiled for an extra 5-7 min until cheese melts. Plus it helps the cauliflower get a little crispy.

And voila! Some pretty amazing (& tasty!) breadsticks! I wish i would have snagged a photo sooner. But alas, my boyfriend couldn't resist taking 2 sticks while i was letting it cool.

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Healthy Summer Time Snack

Monday, June 29, 2015

One of my absolute favorite things about Summer are the SNACKS!!! I'm nom nom ❤️

As a recovering Junk Food Junkie, I'm always looking for something crunchy and spicy. It's the Hispanic in me lol

It's a super simple recipe known by any Hispanic kid growing up. The recipe is as follows:

⭐️ 1 cucumber washed (peel or unpeeled is completely up to you

⭐️ 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of salt

⭐️ unsalted chili powder or pepper flakes (you get to choose how spicy you'd like to make your snack)

⭐️ lemon or lime juice ( I personally go with lime but again totally up to you)

Slice cucumbers to desired thickness (I usually go about the width of a quarter).
Throw everything into a bowl and mix!

My favorite thing about this is its versatility, you can add so many things to it to make it your own. Enjoy! :)

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Drink Water Like A Pro!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

PRO TIP for better hydration:

  • Use a straw

Ever notice that you tend to drink MORE when there's a straw involved? Just think about it. When you last went out to a restaurant, your server set some drinks down in front of you, straw included. I bet you drank that entire thing before you even knew what was happening!

It's such any easy and mindless way to help yourself drink more water during the day! It almost feels like you're cheating your way to a better body.

Go out and buy yourself a pack of straws and try it out.

For an even cheaper alternative (because buying packs of straws gets expensive real quick!), buying 3 tumblers (hard plastic cups with plastic straws) and leaving one at work, one in the car and one at home. That way you're never without a cup and you'll always be encouraged to drink more water.

Let me know what you think!

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Refreshing Post Workout Drink: My (Second) Favorite Post Workout Drink!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

When i was a little girl, my mom would always make me this drink on hot summer days. Since my brother and i were so active, she wanted to make sure we were getting hydrated properly. And when you’re 7 & 8, drinking water is the LAST thing on your mind. Capri Sun’s anyone?

Well my mother being the clever one decided to make her own “Gatorade.” Without the fun colors and all of that wonderful sugar. She disguised our favorite summertime drink in one of those old school water bottles that were completely white with foam on the outside for “better grip.”

And she was able to keep up with this charade for almost 3 YEARS. 3 YEARS YOU GUYS.

We had never had a sip of REAL gatorade until a pool party one summer.

Needless to say, words were exchanged. But even after the Gatorade deception, i still make my moms “gatorade.” Turns out it makes a great Post Workout drink and it’s cleansing! Especially after some heavy lifting on a warm summer night.

All you need is:
  1. some cool water
  2. a large juicy lime
  3. less than half a teaspoon of salt

You’re good to go!
Put it in a mason jar to make yourself look extra fancy =]

Happy hydration y’all!

Excuse my crappy photo. Today was Day 1 of Body Beast. Only 59 days to go! lol

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Lose Up To 15 Pounds In 21 Days With The 21 Day Fix!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

I can't believe that we are ALREADY halfway through April. Ummm Wasn't it February just a second ago? lol Gah!!! I am SO unprepared for summer.

It's just a couple of weeks away so it's time to get back in to the swing of things. I am opening up a fitness challenge group and the LAST day to sign up is April 20th.

We're going to tackle meal planning,  30 minute workouts daily, daily check-ins with the accountability group, Shakeology, and ME as your personally sponsored coach =)

SO make sure to send me a message, email me, or add me on facebook for more info to join!

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One Of The Best Moments Of My Life

If there's one thing that i've learned while being a Beachbody coach, it's that in order to succeed in your life, you MUST be open to opportunities. What do i mean by that?

I mean that you go through life closing your thoughts off to opportunities, either through self-doubt or negative outside influences. Thoughts like, "I wish i could have this/or be this/ or meet/ or do *insert thing* but who am i kidding? That will never happen to me."

Seriously, instead of saying that you will never be able to do XYZ think about all of the ways that you COULD accomplish XYZ. Why is it SO unfathomable that little ol you could possibly achieve your dreams and do XYZ?

The only person that is getting in your way, is Y-O-U. And this was something that i had a really hard time accepting. There were a TON of excuses that flooded my brain. "well i never got to finish college because of financial reasons." " Well im helping my parents financially right now so i cant do XYZ." Well i work a full time job and go to school full time so i cant do XYZ." and on and on and on it went. I could make you a page of excuses and reasons as to WHY i havent been successful or why i couldn't do the things that my heart desired.

And it was because of me. I let myself down. Opportunities have danced naked in my face and i have either let them go by or i accepted them but never acted on them. It wasn't until this year, 2015, that i knew something had to change. I needed to start taking responsibility for my failures and shortcomings.

No one else is to blame but me. It's not your fault you are the way that you are but its your fault if you STAY like that.

Do you know what happened when i stopped letting myself get in my own way? I started achieving things. Not big things. Just little things here and there. Until yesterday. On April 14th, a huge opportunity made itself known to me. One of my mentors was doing a book signing in LA on a Tuesday.

I work Monday-Friday and have school Mon-Thurs. Making that book signing almost impossible to even fathom going. But then something started happening. Turns out my boss had something to do Tuesday so we would be closing the store by 1pm. And school was on Spring Break. Which meant my entire day was OPEN.

See what i mean about being open to opportunity? Guess what- I was able to not only meet my mentor, but i was also able to talk to her and get in a couple of photo's! How cool is that!?!

Meet Giuliana Rancic can now be crossed off my Bucket List.

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Recommended List of Fruits For Healthy Weight Loss

Monday, April 13, 2015

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Since i made a recommended list of veggies to go with the meal plan example, i went ahead and made its counterpart of a recommended list of fruits!

Woo! The recommended list of proteins will be coming up soon! Just need to find a moment to type that up for you. I hope this helps you in your journey and good luck!

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