Refreshing Post Workout Drink: My (Second) Favorite Post Workout Drink!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

When i was a little girl, my mom would always make me this drink on hot summer days. Since my brother and i were so active, she wanted to make sure we were getting hydrated properly. And when you’re 7 & 8, drinking water is the LAST thing on your mind. Capri Sun’s anyone?

Well my mother being the clever one decided to make her own “Gatorade.” Without the fun colors and all of that wonderful sugar. She disguised our favorite summertime drink in one of those old school water bottles that were completely white with foam on the outside for “better grip.”

And she was able to keep up with this charade for almost 3 YEARS. 3 YEARS YOU GUYS.

We had never had a sip of REAL gatorade until a pool party one summer.

Needless to say, words were exchanged. But even after the Gatorade deception, i still make my moms “gatorade.” Turns out it makes a great Post Workout drink and it’s cleansing! Especially after some heavy lifting on a warm summer night.

All you need is:
  1. some cool water
  2. a large juicy lime
  3. less than half a teaspoon of salt

You’re good to go!
Put it in a mason jar to make yourself look extra fancy =]

Happy hydration y’all!

Excuse my crappy photo. Today was Day 1 of Body Beast. Only 59 days to go! lol

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