Drink Water Like A Pro!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

PRO TIP for better hydration:

  • Use a straw

Ever notice that you tend to drink MORE when there's a straw involved? Just think about it. When you last went out to a restaurant, your server set some drinks down in front of you, straw included. I bet you drank that entire thing before you even knew what was happening!

It's such any easy and mindless way to help yourself drink more water during the day! It almost feels like you're cheating your way to a better body.

Go out and buy yourself a pack of straws and try it out.

For an even cheaper alternative (because buying packs of straws gets expensive real quick!), buying 3 tumblers (hard plastic cups with plastic straws) and leaving one at work, one in the car and one at home. That way you're never without a cup and you'll always be encouraged to drink more water.

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