The Bombshell Challenge

What is The Bombshell Challenge?

The Bombshell Challenge is a 30 day intensive group where I work with a select group of people, focusing on nutrition, getting in shape & having some fun! I want this to be a great experience for all of my challengers.  So be prepared to have fun with your daily assignments. And get ready to bring it! Because we’re hitting this challenge group HARD.
You’ll learn the secrets of how to meal plan and prep your food for successful and long lasting results. With that being said, you get out what you put in. Meaning you HAVE to be willing to change. This group is about making actively making the right decisions and choosing to push through, no matter what!

Join The Bombshell Dynasty

What does it mean to “join,” the Bombshell Dynasty? it means being apart of something BIGGER. It means making yourself a BETTER person. It means being FEARLESS in the pursuit of your dreams.

When you chose to become apart of The Bombshell Dynasty, know that you are not alone. That no matter where you are in life, you will ALWAYS find a friend. Just imagine for a second what it would be like if you worked with people you actually like. People who PUSH and ENCOURAGE you to be better and WANT to see you succeed!

Im looking for coaches who are want to make a DIFFERENCE in their life and the lives of others around them.

This is NOT a get rich quick scheme. You get out of it what you put in. So get ready to do some work!

You’re not just joining a company, you’re joining MY team. You are MY FAMILY. And i WANT to see YOU reach your full potential. By joining the Bombshell Dynasty, you are on your way to being physically fit and financially free.

~~~Dare to dream big and reach for the things that your heart desires.~~~

Q: What is the Bombshell Dynasty?
A: The Bombshell Dynasty is a group of Beachbody fitness coaches. Kind of like how the Cowboys are there own “team,” in the NFL. The Bombshell Dynasty is its own team in Beachbody.

Q: What is a beachbody coach?
A: A coach is you. A coach is me. Anyone can be a coach! But to be a coach, you must be a leader. A coach needs to lead by example. BE FEARLESS! They are the light at the end of a long dreary tunnel. They are personal cheerleaders. A friend. A sister. A brother. A motivator. We are not all nutritionists, personal trainers, or certified dietitians. We are teachers, military wives, unemployed, students, moms, grandmothers, fathers, widowers, everything and anything under the sun. We are here to help YOU reach your goals because we have ALL been there.

Q: How do you make money by helping your customers for free?
A: I make money through commission. But honestly, the commission isn’t even that big. It’s when you have  a TEAM of people working together with a common goal that you start to make money.

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