Shakeology or as I affectionately call it ShakeOHMYGOSH!

I get a TON of questions on what Shakeology is? There’s this misconception out there that EVERY shake is a “protein shake.” This couldn’t be FURTHER from the truth.  Shakeology is a NUTRIENT DENSE meal replacement.  It’s a nutritional equivalent to FIVE plates of salad loaded with almost every superfood you can think of. I’m not a big fan of salads so having to eat five a day would really ruin the whole lifestyle of eating clean. Bleh. But Shakeology does it in less than 180 calories! What the what!?! Shakeology makes it very easy to cut your calories LOW without sabotaging the daily volume of nutrients you NEED. And to be honest, most people are nutrient deficient. When was the last time you took your multi-vitamin or had all of the necessary food groups for each and every meal?

Shakeology is about the QUALITY  of the ingredients, where they come from and what they can do for your health on a cellular level. People will often compare shakeology based on its  micronutrients (aka carbs, sugars and proteins.) But it’s all of those things and everything else that make it stand alone. There are things that Shakeology does NOT have nor will it add, such as: artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, artificial stimulants, artificial flavors, and soy. it does however use Stevia, which is a PLANT based sweetener. It is an all-natural alternative sweetener.

Shakeology is a WHOLE FOOD. Whole foods are foods that come as they are. Natural, unprocessed, came from the ground and not from a lab, foods. Nothing in Shakeology is unprocessed or “fake.” All fruits and veggies that are compressed and dried about 70 times per item have to go through a few tedious processes before it can be bagged and delivered to your door. With everything that goes into Shakeology, not only is it saving you time but it also saves you money.

Shakeology runs about $4.30 a day. Most pre-packaged salads cost around $3-$7 dollars per day. And this is just for ONE salad that probably carries about an ⅛ th of what Shakeology delivers. So not only are you replacing a meal, but you are also getting your days worth of vitamins that your body needs. Buying your monthly bag of Shakeology gives you a MONTHS worth of meals upfront. Typically when you go to the grocery store, you  buy groceries for a couple of days to a week ahead. This is 30 days of meals that you don’t have to worry about.

While Shakeology does help with weight loss, it is not a magic formula that will melt the fat right off. Shakeology is about HEALTH. When you put the RIGHT nutrients in your body that it needs to develop, heal, recover, repair and thrive, you body will have MORE energy, LESS cravings, and you FEEL better which eventually leads to you eating less and becoming more active! Woo! Weight loss is a result of DENSE nutrition with Shakeology.
Think about the last time you tried dieting by cutting calories. You probably felt hungry, grouchy, tired, and you wanted to eat EVERYTHING in dunkin donuts. That’s because you were nutrient deficient. It’s SO hard to cut calories without cutting your base need of nutrients, even on a perfect diet! Shakeology is your BASE. At least you’re covered for the day whatever your fitness goal may be. And because it’s used a nutritional base, you can add fruits and other clean calories to make it more of a fuller meal. Not everyone’s goal is to lose weight, but we can agree that everyone can be a little healthier.

Shakeology isn’t some magical formula. It’s a clean, dense, nutrient dense shake THAT TASTES LIKE CHOCOLATE, VANILLA, STRAWBERRY, OR A FRUIT SMOOTHIE! Ummmm when was the last time you had an amazingly nutritious and healthiest meal of the day that tasted like Chocolate? It isn’t a weight loss shake, it’s a nutrition shake.

PHEW! I think i’m ready for a chocolate peanut butter Shakeology!

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