Eat Clean

What is Clean Eating?

Lets get something straight. When i say diet i mean YOUR diet. What makes up your diet? Diet & nutrition. What do you eat that keeps you alive? When i say FAD diets, i’m talking about the South Beach, Atkins, HCG, Cabbage Soup, and every other kind of yo-yo-eating-meal-plan-out-there-diet.

Clean Eating is about fueling your body with foods that are whole, unprocessed, unbleached, raw, unsalted, no funny business, and straight from the ground.
“Does this mean i’ll have to buy organic?” You can if you want. But it isn’t required.
“Sounds expensive. I don’t have the budget for this.” If you add up everything you spend on food, you’ll find out that you actually spend MORE on foods that are bad for you than good.Think about how much you spend on a night out with girls, or that trip out to the bar with the guys. What about date nights? You’ll soon find out that you end up spending more money eating a lunch out here and there than you would if you ate clean and meal prepped everything.

Clean Eating is a long term investment. To get that rockin’ bod you’ve always wanted, you NEED to change your diet. You will see BETTER results by staying on top of your diet. We’re not counting calories here. You want QUALITY in the foods you’re eating. You don’t put a fork down the garbage disposal. You don’t stomp on your phone just because you dropped it on the floor once and declared it ruined. So don’t treat your body the same way.
Ask yourself these questions when you’re grocery shopping: Has this been chemically treated or altered? How many ingredients does this have?

Eating clean isn’t a fad diet. Nor will it hurt you in the long run. Your simply cutting out all processed food. Keep it simple and natural. That’s it.

That being said, here are some things to keep in mind when first starting out with clean eating:

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