Healthy Summer Time Snack

Monday, June 29, 2015

One of my absolute favorite things about Summer are the SNACKS!!! I'm nom nom ❤️

As a recovering Junk Food Junkie, I'm always looking for something crunchy and spicy. It's the Hispanic in me lol

It's a super simple recipe known by any Hispanic kid growing up. The recipe is as follows:

⭐️ 1 cucumber washed (peel or unpeeled is completely up to you

⭐️ 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of salt

⭐️ unsalted chili powder or pepper flakes (you get to choose how spicy you'd like to make your snack)

⭐️ lemon or lime juice ( I personally go with lime but again totally up to you)

Slice cucumbers to desired thickness (I usually go about the width of a quarter).
Throw everything into a bowl and mix!

My favorite thing about this is its versatility, you can add so many things to it to make it your own. Enjoy! :)

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