The 21 Day Fix!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Okay so let’s talk about The 21 day Fix! This program is UHMAZING. If you have EVER had problems trying to figure out how to portion control, The 21 Day Fix takes care of alllll of that for you! Included in the program are these little colored containers. Each container representing a different food group. BUT here’s the cool part. They ALSO serve as the recommended serving size!


No more guessing what 4 oz of chicken breast looks like! Because honestly, I have a little food scale but ask me how many times i have used said food scale to figure out each and every bit of food. Go ahead, ask me.

TWO times. I have only ever used that food scale twice since i’ve bought it. If you like that aspect of food prepping, by all means, you weigh that food. But on food prep days, i just want to get in and get out of the kitchen. No fuss. So you’re getting everything that you need and she also incorporates where your Shakeology would fit in so you don’t even have to figure THAT part out. She does everything for you! Follow the food guide, do the workouts and you’ll drop those pesky 5-10 pounds. All while eating whole and filling foods! I love you Autumn. seriously girl. You made my life a whole lot easier!

And JUST because the workout is called 21 Day Fix and has a super cute girl on the front of the CD DOES NOT make it a “girly,” workout. The first 6 days you will be SO sore. After that, you get into the groove of the workouts. Still challenging and you will always walk away (or crawl depending on the targeted workout day) feeling like you’ve been hit by a truck. BUT i can guarantee that if you STICK to your workouts CONSISTENTLY and the healthy meal plan (which is handed to you on a silver platter), you WILL lose weight and tone up.

Each workout is about 30-40 minutes long. Which isn't too bad. And everything varies. You will use weights or a stretch band on some days. My FAVORITE thing about The 21 Day Fix? The workouts vary in style. There's pilates, lower focus, barre legs, upper focus, core focus, plyo focus and a couple of other videos. You never get bored! I LOVE that! Because I have ADD when it comes to sticking to one program with just 3 or 4 videos. Bleh. If you're looking for something with variety, this is it! Each workout is CHALLENGING. So don't think that just because you're a workout veteran doesn't mean that Autumn Calabrese won't kick your butt to next Tuesday.
What a mouth full.

If you're looking for something that focuses on nutrition, quick, and challenging, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!?!

It’s 21 days. That’s less than a month! 3 WEEKS. 3 freaking weeks!!!! And this is only the beginning! Drink your Shakeology to help you fight cravings, follow the meal plan, prep your meals, and DO THE WORKOUTS.
In 21 days I lost 8 pounds, went down a few inches, and TONED UP.

That’s it. Get in and get out.

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