Love is...

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Love is:
《♡》When he rubs my calf in the middle of the night because I get a cramp
《♡》Sitting by his side when he wants company to talk about how amazing Diablo III is....for 5 hours.
《♡》 Letting me choose where to eat on date night.
《♡》Coming with me to the dog park.
《♡》 Supporting his dreams & cheering him on.
《♡》 Dropping whatever activity he was doing to fix the ankle strap on my sandal.
《♡》Buying my plane ticket to come visit him when he lived in Florida.
《♡》Sleeping on his side to let me elevate my legs after a rough workout.  Even if he is uncomfortable.
《♡》 Accepting the fact that he snores. 
《♡》 Following him to every store within a 20 mile radius, in search of the perfect *insert item here*.
《♡》His stubbornness.
《♡》Being patient with each others thought process.
《♡》Having a made up conversation with sounds. And understanding it.
《♡》Letting me cry about silly things.  Like how delicious a piece of cheesecake is. ..
《♡》Calling me beautiful everyday since the day we've started dating.

It's funny how one person can make you feel like you can conquer the world. To the man who will continue to be my better half and partner in crime.

And to all of those that are in a Long Distance Relationship,  don't give up! I have been where you have been and let me tell you, it was the easiest and HARDEST time of my life. If you feel it in your gut and in your bones, stick with it! I can promise you that if you are BOTH working at the relationship you can do it. Just remember that you BOTH need to grow as individuals while growing together.

I can't emphasis how important that is. Cheers and good luck to all of you!

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