What is YOUR calling?

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

I love my family. ESPECIALLY when they get excited and pumped as i do about working out. While my brother and I do PIYO in my bedroom, my parents are doing T-25 in the living room.

Cray cray yo.

When I was little, my parents would always tell me to surround myself with people who IMPROVE my life. People who will ELEVATE me to their level. Whatever it may be.  And I have them and Beachbody to thank for that. Becoming a Beachbody coach has completed me in a way that can only be described as fulfillment. You meet SO many people with inspiring stories that make you SO grateful for the life that you live. I get to HELP people live healthier lives. I get to see them CHANGE mentally and emotionally.

That transformation alone is AMAZING! Giving people the opportunity to GAIN financial freedom by working out and INSPIRING others is one of the BEST feelings out there. Knowing that you have helped someone pay their cell phone bill or a utility bill or groceries! Words can’t even express how humbling and gratifying this experience is.

I was lucky enough to stumble across my mentors page and from there it took me TWO years to bite the bullet and become a coach.  Here I am now writing to YOU. Yes you. On the brink of trying to decide if coaching is right for you. I can tell you right now that the journey is not an easy one. And it isn’t for everyone. To make money in this business you have to be willing to WORK and CHANGE. And rejection is apart of it. And that’s OKAY. Just know that you are NOT ALONE. 

Seriously. We’ve ALL been there. Still there, really. But let me ask you this one last question:

If you could work your butt off for TWO years and be financially free for the rest of your life, would you? Or would you prefer to work at a job that offers little to no advancement or pay raises for the rest of your life?

I choose to be my own boss, set my own hours, and work with people that I care about. And if you’re ready to join me and INVEST in yourself, then send me a message already! What are you waiting for?

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