Puppy PIYO

Thursday, July 31, 2014

I was watching this video the other day about what it's like for a pet owner trying to do Yoga or general workouts with a cat or a dog. It is one of the funniest and most truthful videos out there. Trying to get my workout in with my cute little dog Lady is almost impossible. I have to trick the poor girl out of my room or the living room to get a decent workout in.

It's funny how this furry little thing becomes such a big part of your daily life. When my cat was alive, he would wrap himself around my weights or stretch in the middle of my yoga mat or better yet SLEEP while i was jumping around him trying to finish a T-25 workout. They're so silly. And yet all they want to do is join you in your activity.

Even if it's licking the sweat off your face.

My brother and I were victims of this unconditional love.

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