Kale Chips & Diablo III

Sunday, July 27, 2014

It isn’t a secret. I love food. And chips. ESPECIALLY chips.  So i did what any girl would do on a Sunday afternoon when craving something salty and crunchy. I rummaged through all of my boyfriends cabinets looking for chips, pretzels, candy, SOMETHING. He’s a bachelor for crying out loud. Doesn’t their diet consist of ramen soup and cheese puffs?
This is what i get for getting my boyfriend on the clean eating bandwagon. All I could find was an expired bottle of crunchy peanut butter (too bad i’m allergic) and half empty bottles of booze (mimosa’s anyone?) . I turned on my laptop and decided to look up chip recipes on Pinterest because….pinterest can can do no wrong!
First thing that popped up: Kale Chips. That was easy. Recipe looked simple enough. And we had some fresh Kale! Win. I asked my boyfriend if he had ever tried kale chips. I should mention that his laptop is connected to a speaker system so i hollered over this booming voice of “The Skeleton King,” and how he can “NEVER BE DEFEATED!”
If you have a brother, boyfriend, guy friend, or cousin that plays DIABLO III, you know what im talking about when i say i got a half interested  “I-- uh no…” response.  Boys.
Anyway, here is the SUPER simple recipe i came across and made successfully. And boyfriend approved! Wee!

1) A bale of kale  or you could get one of those pre packaged kale boxes (especially for your first time).
2) Parmesan Cheese (I highly recommend freshly grated. But regular ol’ parm cheese is good too)
3) A teaspoon to a teaspoon and a half of Olive Oil. Depending on your bale of kale.
4) A little bit of salt. Seriously. Do not overdo it with the salt. ( Garlic Salt is awesome!)
5) Garlic powder (if there is no garlic salt)

1) Preheat oven to 415° F
2) Line a cookie sheet with foil paper (or don’t, totally up to you).
3) Clean kale by removing stems, leaving only the leafy parts.
4) Dry kale with a paper towel
5) Either spritz kale with a squirt bottle, put olive oil on each kale leaf OR you can pour the 1 teaspoon of Olive Oil into a plastic grocery bag, shake up the olive oil and toss in the dry kale and shake it some more.
sidenote: remember to only LIGHTLY coat your Kale with olive oil.
No one likes soggy oily kale. Bleh.
6) Place kale onto cookie sheet. Toss on your Parmesan Cheese, sprinkle the salt or garlic salt on lightly.
7) Bake kale for 8 minutes
8) Stir the kale. Bake for 2 more minutes. and PULL out the kale if it starts to get too brown. Burnt Kale is no bueno.
9) Let sit for a little bit and ENJOY!
Kale Chips.jpg.jpg

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