Is eating healthy expensive?

Monday, February 9, 2015

I can’t even BEGIN to tell you how often i hear this one little phrase. “I can’t afford healthy food.”

Umm, yes. Yes you can!

About 2 years ago, i was making minimum wage, living in a place i could barely afford. It was also around the time that i had decided to start living a healthier lifestyle. do you eat healthy when you’re flat out broke???

I had about $20 to last me 2 weeks. I could have EASILY stocked up on ramen and mac and cheese. But i would have felt disgusting. After being in college and living off $1 pizza and beer, I was fed up with ordering off of multiple dollar & value menu’s.

Enough is enough, ya know?

So how do you eat healthy for two weeks on a $20 budget!??

There’s this magical isle in the grocery store where they have frozen vegetables, fruits, and dare i say it...meat!

There are BAGS of $1 vegetables! Stock up and grab 6-7 of them! They’re frozen. Which means HOORAY for you! No spoiled vegetables that you have to worry about wasting.
The same with meat/poultry/ and fish. You cook it at your leisure and never have to worry about it spoiling in your fridge.
Grab a $3 bag of brown or wild rice and BOOM you have your healthy complex carb!
Fruits are also fun little things that you can find in the frozen food section.
Any bag of uncooked beans are also great to have around! Easy to cook, and filling.

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be complicated or hard. And it’s TOTALLY doable! I’ve lost almost 30 pounds doing this. I get my protein, my complex carb, my veggies, and my fruits!

Sure there are things that you’ll have to invest in that are a little more “pricey,” (like extra virgin olive oil) but these are things worth INVESTING in. Heck, you can even find spices that are $1!!! Make your health and nutrition a priority and eating clean will become second nature to you and your budget.

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